
Looking to grow your bank of skilled construction professionals? Or perhaps you’ve got capacity to
take on trainees and apprenticeships? Building Plymouth can help you to source the right people for the right job.


How Building Plymouth can help your business

At Building Plymouth, we understand the importance of working directly with employers to ensure that, collaboratively, we can help fill the current skills gap in the construction industry. Working together with you, we will:

• Help to promote your vacancies and apprenticeship opportunities
• Send you CVs from potential candidates
• Provide impartial guidance on apprenticeships and training for your workforce
• Liaise with local training providers and colleges to build capacity and provision in line with forecast skill demand
• Access funding for construction skills and training projects
• Advise and support delivery for your contracted employment and skills plans
• Create opportunities for school engagement
• Raise your organisation’s profile – through events and PR

Become part of Plymouth’s future – If you would like to find out more about working with Building Plymouth, contact our team by emailing hello@buildingplymouth.co.uk
